Why Couples Should Have a Face-to-Face Meeting with Their Wedding MC or DJ Before Booking: The Benefits Over an Online Meeting

When it comes to planning your wedding, hiring the right MC or DJ is pivotal. They set the mood, engage your guests, and ensure the day flows seamlessly. While online meetings offer convenience, there are numerous benefits to meeting your MC or DJ in person before making that final booking decision. Here’s why a face-to-face meeting is so valuable and how it can offer advantages that an online meeting simply can’t match.

1. Building a Personal Connection

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life, and you want to feel comfortable with everyone involved. A face-to-face meeting allows you to establish a personal connection with your MC or DJ. You can gauge their personality, energy, and enthusiasm in a way that’s harder to do through a screen. This personal rapport is essential because your MC or DJ will be interacting with your guests and setting the tone for the entire event.

2. Assessing Communication and Chemistry

In-person meetings provide a clearer sense of how well you and your MC or DJ communicate. You can observe body language, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues that are crucial in determining whether they understand your vision and preferences. This chemistry is key to ensuring that you’re on the same page, which can sometimes be more challenging to assess in an online setting.

3. Demonstration of Confidence and Experience

Meeting in person allows you to see how confidently the MC or DJ talks about their experiences, past weddings, and how they handle various situations. This confidence can be reassuring, especially when you’re entrusting them with such an important role on your big day.

4. Experiencing Their Professionalism First-Hand

In an in-person meeting, you can better assess the professionalism of your MC or DJ. From punctuality to how they carry themselves, this interaction provides a fuller picture of their attention to detail, which is critical when they are responsible for the flow and energy of your wedding day.

5. Immediate Feedback and Creative Brainstorming

Face-to-face meetings foster dynamic and creative discussions. You can receive immediate feedback on your ideas and preferences, and the MC or DJ can offer suggestions or alternatives that align with your vision. This real-time interaction often sparks new ideas and allows for a more thorough exploration of how to personalise your wedding experience.

6. Understanding of Commitment and Passion

Meeting in person gives you a better sense of the MC or DJ’s passion for their work and their commitment to making your wedding special. You can see firsthand their enthusiasm for your event, which can be a strong indicator of the quality of service you can expect. This level of dedication is often more apparent in person than through a virtual meeting.

7. Trust and Peace of Mind

There’s a certain peace of mind that comes with meeting someone in person. You can look them in the eye, shake their hand, and have a conversation that feels more genuine and less transactional. This trust is crucial when hiring someone who will have a significant impact on your wedding day. An in-person meeting can alleviate concerns and help you feel more confident in your choice.

8. Discussing Venue Variables and Layout

An in-person meeting allows you to discuss the specific variables and layout of your venue in detail. You can go over logistics such as sound setup, lighting, and dance floor placement, ensuring that the MC or DJ fully understands the space and can plan accordingly. This discussion helps to create a clear strategy for how everything will come together on the day, ensuring that there are no surprises.

9. Reducing Miscommunication

While online meetings are convenient, they can sometimes lead to misunderstandings due to technical glitches, poor internet connections, or the inability to convey nuances effectively. Face-to-face meetings help minimise these risks by providing a more direct and clear form of communication.

10. A Stronger First Impression

Finally, a face-to-face meeting often leaves a stronger impression than an online one. It allows both you and the MC or DJ to showcase your personalities and establish a connection that can set the tone for a successful partnership. This first impression can be a deciding factor in whether you feel they are the right fit for your wedding.


While online meetings offer convenience, nothing compares to the depth of connection and understanding that comes from meeting your Wedding MC or DJ in person. From building trust and ensuring clear communication to experiencing their professionalism and enthusiasm first-hand, a face-to-face meeting provides invaluable insights that can greatly influence your decision. By taking the time to meet in person, you’ll not only feel more confident in your choice but also set the stage for a memorable and flawlessly executed wedding day.

At DJ:Plus! Entertainment, I believe in the importance of personal connection and attention to detail. That’s why I meet with couples in person multiple times before their wedding to ensure every aspect is tailored to their vision, helping to create the wedding of their dreams. As Vicky and Risto shared,

“Dealing with you to plan our wedding really was one of the highlights and we miss you now it’s over!
The genuine interest and love we felt from you meant so much to us both, and to our family and guests, and we couldn’t have asked for more.
Everyone said how great you were as both DJ and MC; you really did make the day for us!! Thank you, Serge, from the bottom of our hearts!“

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About DJ:Plus! Entertainment

DJ:Plus! Entertainment provides elegant, distinctive, fun, unique and entertaining celebrations for discerning wedding and corporate clients who want more than "just music" for their event. Servicing Sydney, Bowral / Southern Highlands, Katoomba / Blue Mountains, Wollongong and other areas by arrangement.

DJ:Plus! Entertainment's philosophy focuses on quality NOT quantity. Your wedding is unique and should be treated as such. In order to assure that each wedding is given the thorough attention it deserves, DJ:Plus! Entertainment limits the amount of clients it takes to no more than around 25 per year.


DJ:Plus! Entertainment has absolutely no business connections with any supplier listed or linked to on this blog. Supplier details are either provided as associated relevant information in regards to each listed past event or as a resource for Clients and Blog visitors . These suppliers were either selected by the respective client noted in the section in which the suppliers are listed or featured to assist in planning. You will appreciate that DJ:Plus! Entertainment cannot guarantee individual supplier performance or services in any way.

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